Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Motorcycle Messenger-Hollywood Connection

Motorcycle Messenger, Los Angeles Courier, Los Angeles Delivery, ECS
Motorcycle Messenger - Hollywood
ECS-Motorcycle Messenger in Los Angeles is the leader in motorcycle messenger service for dedicated delivery of time sensitive packages.  With professional and reliable drivers that care about your delivery, they know that we get it done now.  ECS has built a reputation for always keeping clients up to date as to the status of their package delivery service.  Unlike most in the industry, ECS provides a dedicated courier for your package and ensures that the chain of custody is never compromised and that both you and your client receive the best service available at all times.

ECS provides dedicated delivery drivers for those last minute post-production and production deliveries in Hollywood, Santa Monica, Burbank and surrounding cities. All drivers abide by a code of conduct practiced by all professionals in the film and television industry. We serve the legal industry, medical industry and entertainment industry in the same manner and that is with respect for each and every delivery we do. Our service spans from Los Angeles to San Diego and beyond including Las Vegas, Portland, and anywhere our clients require us to get it done now. 

Motorcycle Messenger - Going Live in Hollywood

ECS-Motorcycle Messenger is recognized by some of the big names in the entertainment industry and they rely on us to get it done now.  We provide our service at major Hollywood Events and Live Shows by working behind the scenes to ensure everything flows smoothly for the audience at home.  Our team of Motorcycle Messengers give it more than 120% each and every time because when it comes to the type of deliver we perfom, there are no second takes.

The next time you see a Motorcycle Messenger on the road, just remember, they are not out for a joy ride, they are working hard to get it done now.  Remember to share the road with them and keep your eyes on the road and off your phone. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Look Twice for Motorcycle Riders

Look Twice for Motorcycle Riders

You have seen them zoom by you as you sit in traffic on your way to work or home. Yes motorcycle riders are everywhere from the freeways to the local roads. Some riders prefer to split lanes moving swiftly and safely in between vehicles that are stuck in heavy traffic as others prefer to sit in the traffic. Splitting lanes in the State of California is legal regardless of what some motorist may think. For a motorcycle messenger it is how business gets done.

Social Network and The Road

With the advancement in technology and social network sites some drivers have another reason to drive while distracted. If you ever have the opportunity to speak with a motorcycle rider they will tell you what they witness on the roads. Some drivers text while driving despite of the danger and the harm it can cause nearby drivers and themselves. There are other drivers that talk on the phone, applying makeup all while driving and some just cannot seem to stay in their lane. It only takes a split second to cause an accident. At the end of the day it really isn't worth sending that text or making that phone call without a hands free unit or applying makeup. These are just some of the ways drivers are distracted and can cause and accident. Always remember to look twice for motorcyclist and keep your eyes on the road. Unlike a driver in a car, a motorcycle rider cannot stop as quickly enough and doesn't have the safety of a vehicle cabin.

Road Rage Towards Motorcyclist

The roads are for all to share. It is that simple. There are some motorist that don't respect motorcyclist and in some instances have a bit of road rage that could become lethal. Always keep in mind that there is a human being with flesh and bones on that motorcycle. If a motorcyclist is slitting lanes, allow them to pass you. They will be long gone and it will in no shape or form affect the traffic that you are sitting in. By doing so you will get a wave or a peace sign from the motorcyclist thanking you.